Get your Desk Provost Clean
There is no better way to start the new year off than with a clean desk!
National Clean Your Desk Day is about preparing your workspace for the new year and beginning things on the right foot. The holiday falls on the second Monday in January.
Benefits of Provost Cleaning your Desk
Cleaning your desk regular has been proven to increase your efficiency, professionalism and overall image. Stay organized, healthier and on top of your game by simply cleaning your desk.
Provost Clean your Desk
1. Take everything off your Desk – I mean everything.
Sometimes you think it saves time and energy to move and wipe, but it does not. Simplify and just remove everything from desk and start over.
2. Wipe Down, Clean and Sanitize
Wipe your desk down, clean with soap and water, then sanitize. Repeat on everything you touch. Make sure all supplies and tools are cleaned before placing back on desk.
3. Organize – Design Workspace
Find a place for all your office supplies, make sure they stay where they belong when not in use. Baskets and containers are fun to look for and can accent your personality in your workspace design. Paper clips, pencils and pens, post-it notes, notebooks and other supplies you need deserve a designated area.
4. Stay Clean, Throw Trash Away
Keeping a trash can close not only keeps your desk clean, but your mind free of all distractions. Finding a way to stay organized weekly will help your overall productivity at your desk.
Why Choose Us
We Will Make Absolutely Any Commercial Space Provost Clean, polished and reflect a professional image!
Provost Building Services provides an array of janitorial services to many businesses throughout the Minneapolis and St Paul metro area. We have been working with companies like yours for over 25 years with a proven track record.
Provost Building Services employs over 50 cleaning techs and supervisors, and has many satisfied customers.
Our Offices are located in Golden Valley Town Square which is conveniently located near the corners of highway 55 and Winnetka Avenue.