Now Hiring!
Provost Building Services
Provost Building Services provides an array of janitorial services to many businesses throughout the Minneapolis and St Paul metro area. We have been working with companies like yours for over 30 years with a proven track record.
Provost Building Services employs over 50 cleaning techs and supervisors, and has many satisfied customers.
Our Offices are located in Golden Valley Town Square which is conveniently located near the corners of highway 55 and Winnetka Avenue.
Open Locations Now Hiring in Minneapolis – St. Paul – Metro Area
Si hablas espanol llama Hernan at 612.384.9686
Now Hiring Cleaning Techs:
All positions are full at this time. Please check back for updates. Thank you!
$15/hr to start
Please call Paul 763.452.3504 or email paul@provostcleaning.com
Please fill out an application below and we will keep in our records for future employment.

Si hablas espanol llama Hernan al 612.827.4146
Call our office at 612.827.4146 to schedule a phone interview to start.
We are located at 669 Winnetka Ave North, Golden Valley, MN 55427